Welcome to my Fitness Journey!

Welcome to my blog! I want to thank you for following me. I will be sharing my fitness journey, the good, the bad and the ugly! I hope to hear how you are doing on your journey as well. Make sure that you check back often for discussions, workouts, tips, challenges, etc. If there is anything that I can help you with, please let me know!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Alternate Workouts

When you can't do your workout of choice, what is your alternate workout?  Today, I missed my 5am bootcamp crew but still got a workout in.  I completed the CrossFit workout workout below.  My second workout of the day is just below that.

EMOTM (every min on the min) for 10 mins
1 Clean
1 OTB (over the bar) Burpee
2 KB Swings
3 Ball Slams
Rest for 3 mins and then run a mile.

20 JJ / 20 Burpees / 20 Squats / 20 Push ups / 20 Sits Up
30 min run intervals

Completing two workouts with this type of intensity, I need to make sure that I fuel my body properly.  Otherwise, I will be tired and I won't see the changes that I need.  Eating properly is just as important as anything else when it comes to weight loss!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Great Day for a run.....

As part of the April Cardio Challenge, I decided to go out for a 30 mins run.  The sun was shining bright and there was a slight breeze......awesome day to get out running! Later this evening I'll hit bootcamp for a killer workout.  What have you done today for the April Challenge?

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

April Cardio Challenge

It's a new month with a new challenge - Cardio Challenge.  The challenge for this month is to do at least 5 days of cardio for 30 mins of more.  Who is on board?  Getting that cardio in with help shed the unwanted weight and fat.  Today I completed an hour of bootcamp and then went for a 20 minute bike ride.  What are some of your favorite cardio exercises?

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

March Challenge = Week 1 Ab Challenge

Our March Challenge is here.....and it's an ab challenge to get that midsection ready for the summer!  This challenge is to be done in conjuction with your current workout.  It's advised to work it in 3-4 days a weeks.  Remember that abs are made in the kitchen, so to see results along with this challenge you have to make sure that you eat properly.  Each week you will receive six (6) exercises that you will perform for a minute each. After the circuit, you will rest for a minute and then repeat it.  Below are the six (6) exercises for week 1.  I will post a video soon of all the exercises just in case you don't know what they are.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Complete each exercise for a one (1) minute.  REST and then repeat.
Plank Jack
DB (dumbbell) punches
High Knees

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

March Challenge details coming.....

Friday starts a new month. What will be your goals for the month?  Well, to help you get on track, add to your existing routine or just to try something new, I'm doing a March Challege that will start on Friday.  Make sure that you stay tuned to see what will be in store......

Thursday, February 21, 2013


This morning I had a great strength training workout.  Deadlifts are one of my favorite exercises. I'm probably going to be sore in my lower back though tomorrow from the DL's.  My lower back is one of my weakest areas that I need to continue to work on.  In due time, with continued workouts I will be a nice stronger, lean back.  :)  My C25K challenge is also going great.  I'm on week 3, day 2.  I'll get outside today after work to go for a run.  It's so beautiful and sunny here in NC.  How are you doing with your workout program(s)?

Monday, February 11, 2013

KILLER workout!

This morning I was back at the gym where I started working out a few years ago.  It was so good to be back.  The workout was SO KILLER that I'm not sure if I'll be able to walk tomorrow! We did chin ups, hack squats, push ups, deep squats, ab work and jump squats.  This was the first circuit. The next circuit was planks and burpees. Finally, we completed bear crawls, prisoner squat holds and jumping jacks.  It was the best workout I've had in a VERY long time.  I feel that I'm back where I need to be to get my workout program on track again.  I can't wait to see where I am in a few weeks.  What did your Monday workout consist of?

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

C25K program - Week 1, Day 1

I am a member of Black Girls Run in Charlotte.  Probably for about the last 6-7 months, I have not been active at all.  My running has pretty much become non-existent.  So, since spring is around the corner and there will be plenty of road races, I decided to start the C25K (couch to 5K) program. I downloaded the app "c25k free" to my phone so that I wouldn't have to worry about which day I was one, what the workout is, etc.  Yesterday was Week 1, Day 1.  I felt really good after my run and look forward to the next one.  Have you completed a C25K program?  Have you ever run a 5K? If so, what are your next goals?

Monday, February 4, 2013

Have not started Insanity yet.....

Well, today would have been week 2 of Insanity if I had started it last week.  Unfortunately, I had to put it off after dealing with a lot of family illness, in and out of the hospital.  I also had to make an unexpected trip back home to see some family members that are not doing so well.  Insanity is still in the picture but my family is first right noq.  Workouts are still getting done but not at the intensity that I would like.  I'm not a total slacker! :)  What are you currently doing with your workouts?

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Personal Development Reading???

How many of you read personal development books?  Over the years, while exploring different opportunities I have come across some great personal development books.  I am currently reading "How Do I Reach My True Destiny" by Vincent T. Williams.  While I am a very goal oriented individual, this book has really allowed me to reflect on my goals, develop a plan and make sure that I stick to that plan.  It's nice because it's a quick read with so much information. I love the fact that at the end of every chapter, it gives you concepts or principles that you can apply to every day living.  If you are looking for your next personal development book, definitely take a look at this.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

It looks like Insanity again.....

Well, it looks like I will start Insanity again on Monday. I've been pondering over doing that or P90X2 (which I haven't done at all). For some reason, I just love the HELL that Shaun T put me through!  After completing ANY Insanity workout, I'm dripping in sweat, I feel like accomplished and get the results that I want. I need to make sure that I continue to get some type of strength added into my workouts.  So, I'm trying to decide if I want to do an Insanity/P90X2 hybrid or if I want to do Insanity and add my CrossFit workouts in.  I think that I'm going to have to sit down and review some of the P90X2 workouts since I haven't event taken them out of the box!  SMH.  Has anyone completed P90X2 or done any of the workouts? I will keep you posted on what I decide.  What workout did you complete today?

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Rest and Recovery....

How many rest days do you take a week?  Rest days are important in any fitness routine.  Below are just a few reasons of why you should have a day or two of rest and recovery.

1. Rest days help you to build a better balance between all areas of your life - home, work, school, etc.
2. A rest day helps you to have better overall performance.
3. Building in a rest day makes sure that you do not overtrain.
4. Rest days allow your muscles to repair, rebuild and strengthen.

Not all rest days have to be just sitting on the couch.  When I take a rest day, I make it an "active" day of rest.  I am still getting in some type of physical activity but it causes less stress on my body.  Some ideas for active rest days - taking a walk, playing with the kids outside, completing a yoga or pilates session.  Make sure that you are building in rest day to maximize your fitness journey!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Happy New Year!!! New Year...New Me...New You!

I would like to say Happy New Year to everyone!  I hope that you are all doing well.  It's been quite some time since I've last blogged.  I wanted to share with you, I'M BAAACCCKKKK!  It's a new year with changes ahead for 1fitmom4life.  I look forward to sharing with you my fitness journey, hearing what's going on with you and posting information on tips, advice, challenges and workouts.  Make sure that you check back periodically to see what's going on in my world and I will make sure that I do the same with you.  If you have any questions or comments, I openly accept them and look forward to an awesome 2013!

Happy Training!