Welcome to my Fitness Journey!

Welcome to my blog! I want to thank you for following me. I will be sharing my fitness journey, the good, the bad and the ugly! I hope to hear how you are doing on your journey as well. Make sure that you check back often for discussions, workouts, tips, challenges, etc. If there is anything that I can help you with, please let me know!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Turbo Fire 5 Day Inferno - Day 1

So, today was my first day to TF's 5 Day Inferno.  WHEW!  I made it through the day.  Below are my starting measurements, meals and workouts.  I'll post my results on Saturday after Day 5.

Starting measurements:

Weight - 149.6lbs
Waist - 29.5in
Hips - 38.5in

Meals for the day:

Breakfast - Weight Control Maple & Brown Sugar Oatmeal w/ Bear Naked Pure Protein
Snack - Dannon Greek Yogurt
Lunch - Shakeology w/ mixed fruit and 1 tbsp of Natural PB
Snack - 1/2 cup of Lowfat Cottage Cheese and 1/4 cup of mixed nuts
Dinner - Healthy Choice Golden Roasted Turkey Dinner and an apple
Total Calories = 1350 (roughly)

Total H2O intake = 96oz

I'm not use to eating this little in calories and I normally get in a gallon of water.  I am eating a little more than the plan calls for because of my workouts.  Tomorrow I'll get in my gallon. 

Today's workout - TF Fire 45 Class and Weights (lower body).  You can check out a piece of my workout at www.facebook.com/1fitmom4life or www.youtube.com/1fitmom4life.

I'll see you guys tomorrow!

Good nite!

Turbo Fire 45 Class Workout

Alright y'all....I posted my turbo fire 45 class workout today on you tube - www.youtube.com/1fitmom4life.  It's just a SMALL segment of Turbo Fire but you get the idea of how intense Chalene can be...WHEW!  I love it, love it, love it!  Check out my transformation here and on my FB fan page - www.facebook.com/1fitmom4life.  Enjoy!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

How is Turbo Fire going?

Well I am in Week 4 of my Turbo Fire Transformation.  Things are going great!  Today was HIIT 20 and Sculpt 30.  I continue to love TF and the energy that Chalene brings to class.  She is AMAZING!  On Monday I'm taking my transformation to the next level.  I am going to complete the 5 day inferno plan.  I've heard nothing but great things about the plan. I'm hoping to lose some more weight and inches to help decrease my body fat.  I will provide a daily update of what workout I completed, what foods I ate and how I felt.  On the day after my 5 days, I will provide my overall results and tips learned from the plan. 

I can't wait to share my results.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Turbo Fire Transformation Update

It's Monday....Day 14 of my Turbo Fire Transformation.  I am happy to report my results from my first 2 weeks.  I've also included pictures to for everyone to see.

Day 1
Starting weight - 152lbs
Starting waist - 29.75in
Starting hips - 39in

Day 14
Ending weight - 146.4lbs
Ending waist - 29.25in
Ending hips - 37.25

14 day results
Weight - down 5.6lbs
Waist - down .50in
Hips - down 1.75in

While these numbers may not seem that big, they are great for me considering my size.  I can see where my waistline is smaller and I'm starting to see the love handles diminish.....LOL!  On my back pics, I can see where I have less back fat around my sports bra. Bring on future results baby!!!  Continue to follow me for more updates.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Turbo Fire Transformation

Well....I am two weeks into my Turbo Fire Transformation.  I'm excited to say that I've followed the schedule pretty much to a "T"!  I still have to get today's workout in but will do so after typing this blog.  I just love Chalene's workouts and look forward to them every day.  Tomorrow I will update the blog and FB Fan Page - 1FitMom4Life, with Day 14 pics.  I'm hoping that I can see some type of change.  Check back in tomorrow to see the results.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Results from 3 Shakeology Cleanse

Well, it's hard to believe that the 3 days of my Shakeology Cleanse are over.  The days went by so quickly.  I did have some temptations as I had family in town but stuck to what I wanted to accomplished.  DRUM ROLL please....here are my results:

Starting weight - 152.4lbs / Ending weight - 146.4lbs / down 6lbs
Starting waist - 29.75in / Ending waist - 29.25in / down .5in
Starting hips - 38in / Ending hips - 37.25in / down .75in

A couple of things that I would like to reiterate about the cleanse:
1.  Follow the program to a T and you will see amazing results.
2.  You will have so much energy during the 3 days.
3.  I was still able to workout while on the cleanse.  I'm currently doing Turbo Fire.
4.  Avoid any temptations.  Don't have things in your kitchen that will make you tempted to mess up.  Don't go to the grocery store where there's junk food, etc.

I'm so glad that I was able to share this journey with you. Continue to follow me as I'll be sharing my Turbo Fire transformation next.

Day 3 of Shakeology Cleanse

Well, today is the final day of my 3 Day Shakeology Cleanse.  The last 2 days were a lot easier than I thought.  While I was not tempted too much, I think that the easy way around that is to just stay away from the things that you like.  I had to go grocery shopping and what do you see in the grocery store???  Every and anything that you don't need!  LOL!  Thank goodness I had my list and stuck to it.

Meals were great as usual - 2 cups of teas, 2 pieces of fruit, 3 shakes and a salad with white meat.  The last couple of nights I did chicken but decided to do fish tonight - perch.  It was so good.  Even my husband complimented on how good it tasted.

Energy levels were awesome.  I didn't feel tired in the least bit at any time.  One of the things that amazes me is how, with the few calories that one takes in during the cleanse, your energy levels during the workouts are still great!  I did TF HIIT 15 and Sculpt 30 and didn't miss a beat!  LOVE, LOVE IT!

Well....tomorrow is results day.  See you then!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 2 of Shakeology Cleanse

Well, I know it's actually not Day 2 but I'm posting for yesterday.  I will then post my Day 3 tonight.

So.....yesterday was Day 2.  Everything went well.  I ate everything that I was supposed to - 3 shakes, 2 pieces of fruit, 2 cups of tea, a chicken salad and almost 4 liters of H2O.  I did get tempted though.  My sister and I went to the mall to spend some sibling time together.  We went into one of the stores that had candy, snacks, etc.  As we were walking around the store, I had to keep looking in the other direction. Twizzlers...Twix....Potato Chips....Cereal.  "Oh, Nikki....come and buy us!"  LOL!  All of this was thrown right in my face.  How was I going to react?  Keep walking!  I am so proud of myself for not indulging.  I'm focused to do what I need to do. 

People always ask - How did you feel?  Were you full?  Well I can tell you that I didn't have any headaches or stomach cramps from being hungry.  I love the shakes because you can make them thick and they are so filling. Normally, an hour after I eat, I'm ready to grab a snack. Not with Shakeology baby!  I also had plenty of energy throughout the day.  No plateaus or feeling like I needed a nap.

Day 3 and results, HERE I COME!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

First Day of 3 Day Shakeology Cleanse

My girlfriends from back home came into town this past weekend for the CIAA tournament in Charlotte.  We had such a blast!  While they were here, I endulged in things that I shouldn't have....ooops!  But that only makes me human, right?  Then I spent the day in the hospital on Monday to have a procedure completed.  Normally, you can pick your own meals in the hospital but because I was out, they decided to choose for me.  Needless to say because I was so hungry when I came out, I just ate what they gave me.  With that being said, I gained some weight.  UGH!  I knew the consequences.  So I decide to take on the Shakeology 3 Day Cleanse to get me back to where I was pre-weekend events.

Today was my first day.  I started the day with a cup of tea.  For breakfast, it was a Shakeology Shake with mixed berries.  I had an orange for my morning snack.  Lunch was another Shake with a cup of tea.  My afternoon snack was a Shake with an apple.  Dinner was rounded out with a chicken salad...yummy!  At the time of this blog, I've drank almost 128oz of H2O

Well I made it thru the first day. I wasn't sure if I would or not.  Day 1 down, 2 more to go.

Monday, March 7, 2011

New to Blogging

Hey there!

My name is 1FitMom4Life and I am new to blogging.  The reason for my blog is so that I can share with others my weight loss journey.  I recently became an Independent Team Beachbody Coach.  As an online Coach, I will offer the support and motivation that others need to succeed.  I will also help them chose an exercise program, nutrition and supplements that is best for them.  While I am here to help others, I will share my own successes, struggles and pictures so that you can see that I am human too.  Come follow me on Facebook Fan page and my Beachbody Profile page:

Beachbody Profile - 1FitMom4Life
FB Fan Page - 1FitMom4Life